Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale 2024-06-23T15:32:58-06:00 phacesyndrome 2024-06-23T15:32:58-06:00 2024-06-23T15:32:59-06:00 Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale Team CZR  

Why is this so important? Over the course of this last year we’ve all had our lives impacted by lockdowns, restrictions & the pandemic: many nonprofits are struggling to find ways to obtain donations without being able to do much fundraising. Some groups are super fortunate & have fairly big followings that can help balance things a bit, but there are some that have had to completely halt where they help others. ACTSS Alberta is a group close to home that helps families cover the cost of cancer treatment for their pets; having 2 pups diagnosed with different cancers within a couple months of each other, I’m empathetic to the stress of the diagnosis alone, let alone trying to figure out the costs associated to veterinary treatment. For that reason, I know Czr would give a big nod to auctioning off some items to raise some donations for this group. Fees will be deducted from the final selling price, shipping is additional & all donations will be shared here, as well as on our Instagram/Facebook accounts.

Many of these items may only be valuable to those who love Czr, but I’m hoping by doing this we can help make it a little easier for ACTSS to keep saving animals & blessing families with a bit more time together.

Thank you to everyone who’s willing to be a part of this! Happy bidding (auctions end April 20th)

 UPDATE!!! I want to thank everyone who came out, full of love for Czr & helped us raise €1568.72 for ACTSS!!! Posted below are the donation receipts. I was disappointed with eBay at the end of everything because they take 17.55% in fees off the amount collected for shipping, including charging you taxes on shipping fees. However, you obviously end up paying tax rates at the post office so I just felt it wasn’t right. I want to include this information here for anyone considering running an auction on eBay, because I wouldn’t use them again due to these charges on shipping fees, but if you do, make sure you include 12.55% + your local tax rate to your shipping rate so you don’t end up losing money. Despite all that, I’m super happy with what we accomplished & I’ll work on a couple other fundraising ideas for ACTSS coming up next!

Again, thank you SO much!!! I love you guys! 

]]> 2020-07-02T11:52:00-06:00 2020-07-02T11:52:57-06:00 Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale Catherine Dmitroca The number 1 rescue I wanted to raise funds for was obviously Via's rescue, Georgia Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation. They trusted me with my girl and for that I will be eternally indebted to them. But, there are so many other great organizations that I admired even before all of this social media stuff and I had such a hard time choosing between them I decided to make a post on both Instagram and Facebook where people submitted their rescue/charity choice and from that I honestly used a voting system so that my potential customers for the store felt they had more of a say in where their proceeds went. At checkout each customer can choose a specific charity or split their proceeds equally between them.


Our end list has ended up as:

Georgia Canine Rescue & Rehabilitation

Pinups for Pit Bulls

Fresno Bully Rescue

Stand Up for Pits Foundation

IPittyTheBull Foundation

New York Bully Crew

Rogue Active Duty Animal Rescue


There were actually so many other charities I wanted to also include (Free the Slaves, Inner-city Scholarship programs and youth support in NY and Chicago, as examples) but decided to keep those donations personal from myself at the end of each month. (If I am going to be completely candid, I didn't like having human causes included on a calculator that said I was raising for animals).


At the end of the day, the ultimate goal I could ever hope for is to help as many innocent souls as possible. We only get one shot at life so why not be the best version of ourselves as possible? So far in 2019 we have raised €903!!!! Thank you all for helping making this happen! XO

]]> 2019-01-12T17:17:00-07:00 2019-01-30T16:52:39-07:00 Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale Catherine Dmitroca
Please note that there is up to a 5-7 day delay while the design is being created. You will have the option of a revision if there are changes you would like made before printing. For the best quality product, please use high resolution photos that are clear with good lighting. For obvious reasons, custom orders cannot be returned or exchanged, so please ensure you check the size charts & all relevant information on the product options we have available.]]> 2018-09-09T15:18:00-06:00 2018-09-09T15:18:22-06:00 Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale Catherine Dmitroca So this might not be my most popular post, but I think it’s a conversation that needs to happen. Historically there actually wasn’t a dog ever known as a “nanny dog” & vintage photos that show children with assumed bully breeds cannot be accepted as proof. In our community we know that evidence is abundant that proves visual identification of a “pit bull” is not accurate: basically any bully or terrier type could get lumped into that category & we do not get to dictate when those empirical findings are valid or not solely on what benefits our personal agenda. That makes us no better than a certain opinion-based website that promotes fabricated statistics from an academic imposter. Yeah, a lot of bullies are great with kids... then there’s many that might not be. Same as pretty much every other breed imaginable. We cannot advertise a breed (or face shape) as inherently anything when training is not consistent among all owners. At the end of the day, we as the adults need to be the ones responsible. A dog may not even mean harm, but try to help, get too excited, or a variety of other factors & only have their mouths to use. Poor decisions (with ANY breed/dog) can leave a child hurt, dog in danger & for us with bully breeds - a damaging headline & statistic. It’s not worth it. Dogs aren’t babysitters. You all probably see that Czr is infallible with my niece & believe me, I trust him emphatically... but he’s still not a babysitter, he’s a dog (albeit an AMAZING one). When Kenzie plays with the dogs I don’t leave their side, because even stepping on her foot or accidentally knocking her over could hurt her. Don’t get me wrong... I love the idea of a nanny dog & I’d never put down this breed (obvi) but if we didn’t give the media stories to use, this pit bull hysteria would die down right quick. You feel me? They might erroneously label breeds, but when every headline requires a retraction, things will change. Let your dog be a dog (trained, of course), trust a kid is going to act like a kid... but YOU have to be the responsible adult in the equation. Sorry to burst the nanny dog bubble, but change doesn’t come from a cute meme, it comes from us ❤️✊️

To train your dog to be around kids: the truth is, a lot of it extends to their overall general training. Upon introduction to any new kids, I like to get them to practice commanding/rewarding/walking them (to establish an expectation of their behavior), but their greatest strength is that I’ve never allowed rough play or ever jumping/putting weight on people or each other. Playing with them always includes release commands, calls for patience, to follow, sticking hands in their mouth, flipping them around, and all-around probably doing shit I’d find annoying if anyone did to me 😂 in the end... it pays off by desensitizing them. They know out/sit/down/play, they know not to use their body weight or mouths too much when they play. This is also why I’m so particular with what dogs I socialize them with: I don’t need someone else’s dog teaching them bad manners OR leaving them feeling defenceless. Another important factor is being cognizant of what their breed needs from me (daily adequate exercise, boundaries, routine, working exercises for mental stimulation & proper direction of prey drive, etc). Your expectations have to be consistent, especially with stigmatized breeds because stepping sideways in public can have dire consequences. We will be front page news, many other breeds won’t. Give your dog the skills it needs to succeed: all that requires is your time 🖤
]]> 2018-07-23T13:58:00-06:00 2018-11-06T10:30:24-07:00 Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale Catherine Dmitroca I shut down everything on social media really abruptly. Some people knew what happened, but the greatest problem I faced at the time was that I just didn't have the mental capacity to really keep up with life, let alone like a hundred thousand people across all social media platforms. I know many were worried about me and I do apologize tremendously! Brain injuries are no joke: I had concussions before so I grossly underestimated the severity that comes when you jump out of a moving vehicle. I can't say I regret it, because I still believe staying in that car would've been a significantly worse outcome... but I never intended to just disappear or worry anyone.


But... we're baaaaaaaack!


If you want something done right, do it yourself though, right? As some of you might know, we tried this store before my brain injury but admittedly we didn't have the best system: I was completely dependent on other companies to do my printing, smaller distributors couldn't keep up with my sales, shipping times to bring them in from other countries took too long, products weren't always printed at a standard I was happy with, and being new at it I couldn't afford to carry a full range of sizes in all the different sizes/colors. This time we're cutting out the middle man and holding stock for blank shirts in a variety of styles, colors and sizes where I myself will be doing all the printing at the time of ordering (please excuse any Czr, Via or Cathy hairs on your products LOL I will do my best to keep them to a minimum)! The goal is to have shirts printed and shipped within 2-3 days after purchase (obviously longer for customized orders).

We've got a lot of fun new options on the horizon & a variety of designs to choose from! I hope you love it all as much as we do!!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by us and continued to show us so much love. We're blessed to have you all as a part of phacesyndrome xo

]]> 2018-07-23T13:27:00-06:00 2019-01-15T00:15:44-07:00 Cheap Mens Fashion Deals,Mens Clothing Hot Sale Catherine Dmitroca

Many people are completely unaware bylaws frequently identify the “pit bull” is not a breed, but a variety of breeds/mixed breeds that produce a dog with certain facial characteristics. What this means is that if you crossed an American Eskimo with an American Bulldog you can end up with a dog that will be labelled “pit bull”. If you try to travel to an area with that dog and are not able to prove to any questioning persons of authority that your dog is not a PUREBRED dog with absolutely no blood of related (similar looking) breeds to "pit bulls" your dog could be immediately seized and destroyed. If that dog ever bites, it becomes a “pit bull” statistic, even if it has zero American Pit Bull Terrier in the blood (please note - when I am speaking of the category that has come to exist that lumps any dog that looks a certain way into this blanket term I will use “pit bull” but when I am speaking of the actual breed I will clarify by referring to them as an American Pit Bull Terrier or APBT).


When you ban “pit bulls” you are, in essence, banning a face shape, there is absolutely no logic behind a presumption that general appearance can adequately identify inherent differences in aggression. To suggest otherwise and kill innocent dogs based solely off this presumption is nothing more than genocide. Despite the myths, stereotypes and fears, bully breeds are extremely intelligent. Look at Czr for an example; he has the ability to express cognition, personal will, and communication. If his face shape was so “bad” how is it not another breed that was able to learn & showcase this talent before us?


Statistics frequently cited to support the pit bull myths are from Merritt Clifton, I encourage you all to research the name & see for yourself that he was exposed as a complete academic fraud. Dogs bite . org is NOT a primary or valid source of information: it is an opinion-based website of a woman with a focused agenda on eradicating any dog that looks similar to one that attacked her. The science does not support the accusations! The National Canine Research Council conducted the most comprehensive study to date identifying common factors related in dog-bite fatalities, the American Temperament Test Society showed the infamous American Pit Bull Terrier as being exceptionally well-tempered, even outscoring the esteemed Golden Retrievers. A continuously growing array of CREDIBLE sources exist that directly counter the erroneous beliefs about "pit bulls", one may seek further information from the American Veterinary Medical Association, Humane Society, The White House, Centers for Disease Control, American Canine Foundation, and many, many more!


I don’t shy away from the term “pit bull”, I can’t... Society will tell me I have pit bulls, the label exists and I cannot stick my head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge it. We will face the same discrimination and nonsense laws that have come to exist against any dog with this particular set of features. However, I choose to spend my energy trying to show people the truth; that this category has come to exist and its impossible to single out a "breed" when it is inclusive to most terriers. I believe it helps explain maybe why they think they hear so much about “pit bull” attacks and helps to uncover how irrational blaming a face shape actually is. All dogs are dogs, they are born inherently CANINE, if you want better behavior the onus is on YOU to teach them. I hate to break it to the “pit bull” mythics - but a bad owner will have a bad dog REGARDLESS of the breed. If you take away pit bulls you are only going to find yourself with another societal “problem dog” until you find a way to educate, support & discourage irresponsible ownership.  


My dogs fall into the vague category of "pit bull", if I brought them into an area with Breed Specific Legislation they would be confiscated and euthanized simply because of the way that they look, with no consideration of their training, temperament, or behavior. However, technically Czr & Via are both AMERICAN BULLIES (on the cusp of pocket-standard). The confusion that exists between American Pit Bull Terriers, AmBullies and exotic bullies makes this distinction even more confusing for the general public. An American Bully was a breed created just in 1990 by crossing Staffordshire Terriers with American Pit Bull Terriers, they were bred specifically for companionship, to be lower drive/energy while still being athletic. They size of their chest & mass muscle on their build is GENETIC, I do not use any bulking agents, and bullies are not lean like an American Pit Bull Terriers. On July 15, 2013 UKC designated the American Bully a separate breed. Exotic bullies are often marketed as American Bullies, they have a variety of Bulldogs (even French) bred into them. Physically, they look more like Bulldogs, their appearance is drastically different, they do not have the athleticism of the American Pit Bull Terrier or American Bully, and I would vehemently oppose calling them AmBullies. Calgary, AB Canada actually fined a man and implemented a lifetime pet prohibition for breeding exotics because of how unethical the courts found the extensive respiratory and orthopedic problems these dogs were bred with to be; they were described as horribly deformed with a limited ability to breathe.


