Team Goals

I never expected Czr to go viral. As people started asking for items, my creative juices started flowing, and at the point of relaunch here in late 2018 we're bringing you 20+ designs for you to choose from. I have always loved fashion (being a self-proclaimed #couturejunkie), and I have had so much fun creating these designs for you all! I don’t want to give you fluffy designs, I feel like our dogs can still be BAD ASS without being a stereotype. Why should the strength, courage, perseverance and tenacity relevant to many of these dogs be downplayed? Bullies are gorgeous animals, the face shape breathtaking: perceptions of an appearance being "scary" is something created only in the media, we choose to face it by pointing out the absurdity behind it (and laughing in its face).

We want people to ask what #phacesyndrome is, see Czr’s accomplishments and have them question if these types of dogs logically can be deemed “bad” simply because of the way they look or if there is more to the story (which obviously there is). We also want to use this support to help the plethora of dogs in need of help around the world, so we have a list of rescues we want to routinely donate a portion of sales to: you'll find at checkout that there will be a menu that you can choose a specific nonprofit to send your proceeds to or divide between all the ones I have chosen. 

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