About Us

We couldn't be a team without all of you! I kept the handle as just 'phacesyndrome' after adopting Via simply with the view that we're a team but Czr is like the team captain (at least on social media, in real life we all probably think we hold that role).


On a more personal level, I guess the best way to describe us is family (and that includes all of you). It was April 2008 when I was surprised with Czr. There were discussions about getting a dog, even spent hours online looking at different dogs… but I will admit that it didn’t seem realistic: I was just about to start university & had been dealing with kidney issues for roughly 5 years already. But then, there I was… standing in my back parking lot, looking at this little bully nugget being introduced to me as my son. That was the beginning of the lifestyle (bully parents already know exactly what I mean when I say this LOL). Czr wasn’t your normal dog: he was always with someone whether when I was studying in university or in a boardroom. He had impeccable manners already, but I think I helped refine Czr’s intelligence by applying what I was learning in school to him.


Czr’s social media debut was amazing, I’m humbled to be able to say that so many people fell in love with him & his ability to answer questions. I saw Via early 2014 on Georgia Canine Rescue & Rehabilitation’s Facebook page. I couldn’t get her out of my head and we decided to make the move to adopt her. The rest can be seen on social media! Thank you for making our family a part of yours! XO